80 Biting The Hand That Feeds You
Coming up next Sunday, 12th November, from Radio Free D’ni, Biting The Hand That Feeds You, a set of tracks by naughty artists who are fed up with the music business getting in the way of their creativity and, basically, tell then to go away, go very far away, and in a painful manner. Surprisingly, all of the artists continued to be successful, which must have annoyed the moguls no end. We have examples from The Who, Dire Straits, Joni Mitchell, The Kinks and of course Pink Floyd.
See you on Sunday, when you can use the links at the top of the page to listen in.
Turn it Up!
Sunday, October 29th we will present a show of songs that have a hook that makes you turn up the volume. In selecting tracks, we were going for recognisability of the opening as well fingersnappability of the track. There may be a few surprises in there…
Remember that Europe goes off daylight saving that day, so for our American cousins, the show will be an hour later than usual.
See you in the Cavern,
Lazy Days
Sunday, October 15 we will present Lazy Days, a show of slow songs to relax after the rather hectic few shows of the last couple of months. Music to hang out by, relax, and enjoy.
See you in the Cavern,
Show 77 – A History of Pink Floyd, part III
On October 1st we will be broadcasting the third part of our History of Pink Floyd, compiled by Malaclypse, and covering the most complex period of their career, beginning from 1975, as Wish You Were Here was the last album we covered in part 2. There will be a Part 4 to complete the tale, at a later date.
I hope you will come and join us at 8pm UK time (13 KI), Sunday 1st October, on Radio Free D’ni.
Let’s Eat (part 1)
On the 17th, Radio Free D’ni will have Breakfast and Sweets. Bring your own napkin!
See you in the Cavern,
Diamonds and Ice: The 75th Show
Sunday September 3rd we are going to celebrate our 75th outing with a show themed on diamonds and ice. Expect diversity! As usual, the show starts 1300 KI time, but pre-show will begin about half an hour earlier.
See you in the Cavern,
3 years of Bringing Music to the Cavern!
Sunday 20th of August, Radio Free D’ni will celebrate its 3rd anniversary, with a look back at what we did over the last year. As usual, the show will be prepared by EdisonRex, and we will all be there to pitch in and answer questions if necessary.
See you in the Cavern,
Rock Humour II: Turned Up To 11!
On the 6th, at the usual time, we will present a second set of humour in Rock. EdisonRex is not currently available to do the Voodoo bits for us, so Alan will be handling the Microphone all by himself, but Malaclypse and Root Beer will be in the plaza for moral support and to possibly answer questions.
See you in the Cavern,
The History of Creedence Clearwater Revival
As announced earlier, on Sunday we will present the history of CCR, from their beginning to the band’s untimely end. In the pre- and post-show bits there will be some rare live takes by the band, and solo material by John Fogerty. One of the shortest careers of any major Rock band, during their five years of existence, CCR have helped create the genre of modern Hard Rock, as well as their very own style, which was later titled Swamp Rock and given its epitaph by Southern Rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd with their song “Swamp Music,” commemorating the disbanding of CCR a year earlier. Did you ever wonder how such a successful band could go down the drain so quickly? Listen in and you’ll find out 🙂
See you in the Cavern,
A Bad Year for Good Music pt. IV
This Sunday it is all about George Martin, legendary producer and studio boss, who died in 2016. One of the most successful producers ever, with #1 hits through three consecutive decades (one of only three producers to have managed that), he had a long career, famously producing The Beatles in the 1960s, among many others.
See you in the Cavern,