The Team

Radio Free D’ni are, in alphabetical order:


Announcer, part-time showrunner, researcher. Has a fairly large music stash, which he occasionally gets lost in.  Has played recorder, clarinet, saxophone, flute and bass, and (for a little while) bassoon.  Our resident expert on all things Prog, has a reasonable working knowledge of Jazz and some familiarity with folk.  Does not agree with Louis Armstrong (“All music is folk music. I ain’t never heard a horse sing a song“).


Technical wizard, showrunner, part-time announcer. He does the magical stuff in the background that gets us on the air. Our resident expert on anything to do with electronic music.


Announcer, researcher. Hugh was born in Liverpool and lived there until job opprtunities in teaching took him to Kent in 1985 and to Norfolk in 1987, the latter being where Hugh, now retired, still lives. Whilst a working Head of Performing Arts, Hugh was heavily involved in music and theatre activities as director and bandleader. Nowadays, Hugh manages a large music collection and tries to listen every day..


Announcer, part-time showrunner, researcher. Classically-trained on flute, self-taught on guitar, bass, drums, keyboards and various other instruments, and actually earned a living for a few years as a Rock musician. Our resident expert on Hard Rock and whatever they called that blues-based stuff they did in the late 60s. Also well-versed in all things Pub Rock, Heavy Metal, Rockjazz, classic Rock’n’Roll and a few other fields of useless knowledge.

Root Beer

Announcer. Retired English teacher.