27 Bass Instincts

A show concentrating on bass-players and playing both solo works and work with the groups they made famous 🙂  This first show includes Paul McCartney, Mark King, John Entwistle, Geddy Lee, Dave Pegg, Jeff Berlin, Patrick Scales, Tony Levin, Jaco Pastorious and Rick Kemp.  A vast coverage, and most have found fame in more than one group.

Ed was away from his desk and the show was broadcast by AlanDJ, with Mal on the plaza to back me up.  I lost connection to the radio stream during the postshow, and by the time I’d got it back, the audience had (quite understandably) dispersed.  It was a very complex show, as the playlist makes clear – still I did have time to include two requests in the postshow.


Title Artists Album Year
101 Introduction Chicago  Chicago Transit Authority 1969
102 Airship Pirate Abney Park  Lost Horizons 2008
103 Albert’s Shuffle Mike Bloomfield, Al Kooper and Stephen Stills  Super Session 1968
104 Dodgy Boat Allan Holdsworth  Wardenclyffe Tower 1992
105 Toye Amazing Blondel  Fantasia Lindum 1971
106 Theme (Paganini Caprice in A Minor No. 24 and Variations 1-4) Andrew  Lloyd Webber  Variations 1978
107 Cut The Cake Average White Band  Volume 8 1980
108 Hot Water (MK) Level 42  World Machine 1985

The Show

201 Something (PM) The Beatles  Abbey Road 1969
202 Goodnight Tonight (PM) Paul McCartney  single 1979
203 One Man (MK) Mark King  One Man 1999
204 The Chinese Way (MK) Level 42  The Pursuit of Accidents 1982
205 Dancing Master (JE) John Entwistle  Too Late The Hero 1981
206 Substitute (JE) The Who  single 1966
207 Grace To Grace (GL) Geddy Lee  My Favorite Headache 2000
208 Red Barchetta (GL) Rush  Moving Pictures 1981
209 The Swirling Pit (DP) Dave Pegg  The Cocktail Cowboy Goes it Alone 1984
210 Dirty Linen (DP) Fairport Convention  Full House 1970
211 The Clasp (DP) Jethro Tull  Broadsword And The Beast 1982
212 Bach (JB) Jeff Berlin  Crossroads 1998
213 Joe Frazier (JB) Bill Bruford  Gradually Going Tornado 1980
214 Escape (PS) Passport  Passport Live 2000
215 Not Just Another Pretty Bass (TL) Tony Levin  Stick Man 2007
216 San Jacinto (TL) Peter Gabriel  Peter Gabriel 4 2002
217 Three of a Perfect Pair (TL) King Crimson  Three of a Perfect Pair 1984
218 Portrait Of Tracy (JP) Jaco Pastorius  Jaco Pastorius 1976
219 In France They Kiss On Main Street (JP) Joni Mitchell  Shadows And Light 1979
220 Birdland (JP) Weather Report  Heavy Weather 1977
221 Rabbit Hills (RK) Michael Chapman  Fully Qualified Survivor 1970
220 Robbery With Violins (RK) Steeleye Span  Parcel of Rogues 1973

Requests and postshow

298 Gut String Theory (TL) (request) Tony Levin  Stick Man 2007
299 Places To Go (TL) (request) Tony Levin  Resonator 2006
300 Michelle (PM) The Beatles  Rubber Soul 1965
301 Stung, Mccartney’d, & Bruced (JB) Jeff Berlin  Taking Notes 1997
302 Break it Down (TL) Tony Levin  Resonator 2006
303 The Pursuit of Accidents (MK) Level 42  The Pursuit of Accidents 1982